Monday, August 08, 2011

London is on fire

London is calling and London is on fire!!!

I think, many people like me, still find it hard to believe this is happening at our door steps, one of the most dynamic and vibrant cities in the world. I am sure there will be a lot of soul searching after this, but at the moment, I believe we should not try to justify the riots in any way. It is a slippery slope, it does not get us anywhere. Whatever issues and challenges we face in the society, the ruthless damage and complete lawlessness must stop - unconditionally. The government and the police are here to protect innocent and decent people in the society, not the criminals. In this green and pleasant land, we can not accept the behaviour that undermines the very basic moral values. We are in the deep recession, the last thing we need is loss of public confidence and national image.

I find the government here is too soft, too concerned about being politically correct. The society is built based on trust and respect, and innocent people and their hard earned livelihood. The police apparently has been timid since the shooting of young boy in Totternham last week, but they need to be empowered with the necessary tactics. The home secretary said water cannon is not allowed. Why not? When these young people turned violent and started burning down houses and looting shops, they have lost the decency and dignity, the trust and respect is broken, so they must be told and learn in a hard way this is not an acceptable behaviour in a modern and civilised society. They are not "kids", even they are still young, but they are old enough to know this is not right.

I don't buy the argument that young people have to turn violent and destroy the very community they live it to get the attention from the authority. This is not a political statement, you only need to see the decoded messages they send through the blackberry "it doesnt matter what gangs you are from, join us and get in there and get free stuff". I am sorry, but this is not a way to call for change in the society.

There are a lot of challenges today in Britain, and the young people naturally are more affected naturally. But they can't blame the government or community for all their problems. I find a lot of young people here are simply not hard working and driven enough to make a difference in their lives. One of my nephews from my husband side decided when she was 25 that she wanted to become a single mom because this is the best way out. She does not want to get a job (ever!), becasue she has to get training and practice that she didn't want to bother. She was given a nice flat with a garden after the child was born, she immediately kicked out her boyfriend who had been supporting her financially. Now she is happily living on benefits, spending her days going around to see her friends in similar situation and now has a new boyfriend and planning to have another child so she can get better accomondation. She is a sponger of the society, creaming off what she can get from other hard working people. And you want parental control? It is impossible if you have a system that encourges single moms and runaway fathers. And we all know broken family has its consequences on the child's education.

Authority sometimes is considered a negative word in the west, but it does not have to be. You look around Asia, Japan, Korea, China, Singapore, the list goes on. Law and order is needed in any society, and so are the discipline, and this starts from parenting. The kids need to be told what is not acceptable and the consquences they have to face. And young people have to be prepared to work hard and have self discipline and esteem and respect for others.

There is high unemployment among the youth in Britain, but you have millions from other parts of Europe livinng and working in Britain, most of them are not skilled workers. Today, you will hardly find any English bartenders or waitresses/waiters in a cafe/bar/restaurant in London. Why? Because the young people her don't want to do this kind of low paid jobs. Same thing with a lot of low skilled building works, now dominated by easter Europeans.

The benefit system is killing this country. Young people need to understand working is the only way out of the dreadful trap they are in. They can't expect a life all crafted out nicely for them. They need to look up the role models who come from a unpreviliged background and become successful. There is no short cut to success in life. It is years of hard work, sweat and tears. It requires sacrifice and discipline. That is the succesful formula that is proven in Asia.

You can never give a person enough state social welfare. The society will not progress when there are too many spongers.

There is no silver bullet for building a harmonious society, it is a tough balancing act between Keynes and Friedman. Too much state benefits encourages laziness, too little create unstability. My personal view is that free health care should be provided for everybody, but state should provide very little benefits for other benefits. You will be surprised to see how people's potential can be unlocked.

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