Saturday, December 31, 2005

Christmas in China

Christmas is not something in our cultural origin or religion, but hey, given its colorful and sometimes dazzling decorations, it is far more appealing to the kids and the youth in China than those traditional festivals in China. And considering we are playing catch up game with the west, it is not surprise to see the Christmas treee with lights, dancing santas and numerous Xmas celebrations in shopping malls, hotels and bars.

My sister's birthday is Xmas day, a 100% coincidence, but apart from the fact she is a big lover of western art and music, she is nothing remotely related to Christian. I bought this Hula Santa toy for her, it is this Santa that can swing the hula to the music once you turn it on. Quite a neat design, and this is just one of the many Santa toys I saw this year, including Swing Santa, Disco Santa and so on.

I spot something very interesting yesterday when I walked by the Mcdonalds in a busy street in Xidan. There are two Xmas trees in front of the big Mc, and there are hundreds of paper sticking on the branches of the trees. I came close and took a look, it turned out to be some notes left by kids/teenagers on the Xmas eve (probably after they had the "Happy Meal" at big MC), on the note it says anything from good wishes to their friends and their wishes for the coming new year. I can't help to be amazed by this inventive marketing campaign by the Mcdonalds, a very impressive marketing tool to win the hearts of the kids!

Take a look at the picture I took - I don't think the trees look so pretty with those white trash hanging on it! Not sure it is a smart idea or rather a way to damage their brand!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a western tradition of kids leaving a message for me (Santa) saying what they would like for Christmas.

And if you have been good (and believe me I know if you have been good or bad) then I deliver the presents that you ask for - withing the law of the land and the limits of my budget!

So dont be such a killjoy - if kids want to leave me a message they can leave it on a Big Mac tree or post it to me at the north pole....Christmas is a time to make wishes come true. What was your wish ?